2024 Cheerleading Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to our Cheerleading Development Scholarship Winners!
It has been a year in the making since we were approached by some donors who wanted to provide some support for athletes with a club who supports a child development approach to competitive sport. We are very appreciative of this support for our athletes and extremely grateful to be able to award these five cheerleading athletes with scholarships worth $1000 each to go towards their development. They have the opportunity to use half of their funds to participate in an out of region learning opportunity and the other half to go towards their tuition and/or competition fees next year.
Athletes were selected for these scholarships based on their commitments to their athlete pledges that they signed at the beginning of the year, along with their expressed desire to continue with the sport in 2024.
In addition to the five "Development Scholarships", we were also able to recognise and support two recreational athletes with "Step-Up Scholarships". These are worth $600 each and are to support recreational members who have shown a desire to step up to the challenge of being a competitive athlete in 2024. These funds are to go towards their tuition and/or competition fees.
Congratulations to Khloe Dinsdale and Nerin Jackson for winning the Step-Up Scholarships.