2022 Prize-giving Award Winners

Youth Leadership Award
Corin Thomas
Growth Awards
Callum Perry
Xavier Toia
The Hauora Trophy
Caitlin Leathem
Triple "A" Award (Attitude, Achievement and Attendance)
Alexa McGregor
Zara Marshall
Most Outstanding Achievement by a First Year Competitor
Tanya Muzembe
Multi Code Athlete of the Year
Faye Marshall
Layla Bennett
Jnr Female Gymnast of the Year
Aria Kauri
Isabella Jones
Millie Cullen
Nevaeh Mariscal
Quinn Wright
Intermediate Gymnast of the Year (ages 9-11)
Amelia Pilkington
Charlotte Thompson
Evie Wright
Snr Female Gymnast of the Year
Indie Fannin
Jnr Male Gymnast of the Year
Ronan Harrow-Harper
Snr Male Gymnast of the Year
Thomas Davidson
Aerobic Gymnast of the Year
Faye Marshall
Parkour Athlete of the Year
John Ruddell
Tumble Athlete of the Year
Tasharna-Rose Keogh
Trampoline Athlete of the Year
Thomas Davidson
Cheerleader of the Year
Tasharna-Rose Keogh
Ninja of the Year
Findlay Anderson
Obstacle Racing Athlete of the Year
Leah McRae